Andrew Peterson and the Christian Imagination
In May of 2016 Covenant students enjoyed a visit from accomplished singer, songwriter, and author Andrew Peterson. While he is best known as a successful recording artist, Mr. Peterson has also won acclaim for his literary debut, a four-volume adventure epic called The Wingfeather Saga. (Click here for a great review of these books from Covenant’s former humanities teacher, Dr. Hunter). Peterson’s music and books bear evidence of a deeply Christian imagination reckoning with the world God made. He has also cultivated a community of storytellers and artists who come together at a place called The Rabbit Room to talk about and create art that is true and good and beautiful.
Mr. Peterson gave two excellent talks to our students during his visit. Covenant’s Head of School recently came across one of these recordings in his iTunes library. Remembering what excellent talks Peterson gave on the adventure of reading and on the formation of a Christian imagination, we thought parents and students would be blessed to hear them. So, here you go.
The Adventure of Reading (to Grammar School Students)
The Christian Imagination (to Upper School Students)
- The questions asked from the audience were unfortunately not picked up on the recordings. We have lightly edited the recordings to take out some of the longer gaps and pauses. The listener should understand that Andrew was responding to questions, not simply jumping from topic to topic.