Continuous Enrollment Process
Continuous Enrollment allows you to automatically re-enroll for the upcoming school year.
Covenant families have through the last day of February to opt out of Continuous Enrollment. Otherwise, on March 1st, all eligible students will be automatically re-enrolled. For the convenience of families on a monthly payment plan, the $200 non-refundable re-enrollment fee will be divided into three equal installments that will be automatically billed along with your April, May, and June tuition payments. Families who pre-pay their entire tuition will be invoiced in April for this re-enrollment fee.
Parent Agreements that have been signed during your student’s initial enrollment or most recent re-enrollment will remain in effect until your child(ren)’s graduation (or withdrawal) from Covenant. The school will communicate directly with you if any changes are made to these agreements in subsequent years. However, we are requiring that our Statement of Faith be signed by at least one parent every year. Families who have not opted out will receive a communication in early March confirming their 2024-2025 enrollment and requesting a signature for the Statement of Faith. Students in grades 3-12 will review and sign the Student Code of Conduct agreement during the first week of school each year. If at any point you need to update demographic information, transportation information, emergency contacts, medical information, etc., please do so by contacting Carolyn Haas (ext. 231 in the business office.
If you are unsure as to whether or not you will be re-enrolling your child(ren) for the next school year, you may opt out of the Continuous Enrollment Program. To opt out, please complete the CE Opt Out Form found on this webpage and email it to or bring the completed form to the main office during business hours. Completed Opt Out Forms must be received by the last day of February.
Please note that by opting out of Continuous Enrollment your student’s spot in the class will be opened to prospective students, and your child will no longer be guaranteed a spot for the upcoming school year. You may still re-enroll at a later date – so long as there is space available – with a re-enrollment fee of $250.
Financial Aid Timeline
Need-based Financial Aid allows our school to partner with families from a wide range of economic backgrounds and thus more fully reflect the body of Christ in the Harrisburg Area. Covenant uses FACTS, a tuition management and Financial Aid assessment company, to verify and assess financial aid applications which help to provide a more objective basis for our Financial Aid committee to grant awards.
Families who want to be considered for the first round of financial aid awards must submit their FACTS application by January 26th. Although Financial Aid Applications may still be submitted after January 26th, applying by this deadline will allow families to receive their award notification much sooner and provide the best chance for an award. Families who apply by the January 26th deadline will be notified of their awards by February 16th. To assist with these earlier deadlines, families may use their previous year’s tax returns to complete the Financial Aid Application. Click here to learn more about the Financial Aid process and access the Financial Aid Application.
More detailed information about Continuous Enrollment, Tuition Responsibilities, and Financial Aid is available below.