We believe that a classical, Christian education provides good soil for students to grow into mature followers of Jesus Christ. In this series of posts we will highlight various ways that a Covenant education prepares students to live faithful and fruitful lives.
Covenant strives to equip students for life beyond graduation, and for many students,
that means continuing their education to further prepare for their next steps. Dean Curry, Professor Emeritus at Messiah University and founding Director of the Messiah University Honors Program, shares about his experience with Covenant graduates below.
At a time when many are lamenting growing evidence of mediocrity within American primary and secondary education, graduates of classical schools, like Covenant Christian Academy, are a refreshing exception. As one of who has spent four decades in higher education, and twenty years working closely with students in a university honors program, I can attest to the value of a classical school education. Without exception, the Covenant Christian Academy students that I’ve met and taught in my classroom have been impressive young men and women. In particular, three characteristics of Covenant students stand out.
First, Covenant Christian Academy students are well prepared for high level university work. Covenant grads arrive on campus well beyond “square one” in their preparation for study in the arts and sciences. They are exceptionally well grounded for pursuing majors in these areas as well as in professional programs. As importantly, Covenant graduates have been equipped to think carefully and analytically and to communicate lucidly. Second, Covenant graduates are well adjusted socially and comfortable engaging peers and professors. This comfort also extends to confronting and critically evaluating ideas and worldviews of all kinds. Third, a common denominator among Covenant students is that they are highly motivated and successful learners. Covenant graduates do well in college and thus are prepared to pursue their chosen vocation or continue their education in graduate or professional schools.
For parents seeking an excellent, Christ-centered education for their children I highly recommend Covenant Christian Academy. We live in challenging times and Covenant is playing an important role in training tomorrow’s Christian leaders.
Covenant Christian Academy is a member of ACCS.
The University of Notre Dame, in conjunction with the Cardus Education Survey, conducted a study focused on school outcomes. We are encouraged by this recent data released by the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) that shows how alumni from schools like Covenant are prepared for college.