2024-2025 Student Supply List
- A backpack or tote bag large enough to store a folder, lunch box, and water bottle. (no cartoon or pop culture images)
- 1 Box of crayons (8 pack, classic colors) regular size, no jumbo size
- 2 – No. 2 pencils (regular size, no jumbo size)
- 1 Pack of 3 Elmer’s glue sticks (standard size, no jumbo size)
- 1 change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag. (These should be all-season clothes to leave in the classroom for the duration of the year. Please include socks and underwear.)
- 1 container of fragrance free Wet Ones wipes or baby wipes
- 1 box of tissues
Additional Items for Full-Day Students:
- 1 child size blanket
- 1 small pillow (no bed pillows, please)
- (if desired) 1 small stuffed animal for rest time (about 8 inches long-no dolls, please)
- 1 lunch box
- 1 leak proof water bottle
- A Covenant tote bag will be provided for each full-day student at Pre-K Orientation to store rest time items.
*Please label all “additional items for Full Day” with your child’s name.
*Please check that your child’s school supplies do not contain cartoon or pop culture images.
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Mrs. Martin & Mrs. Schwab
All Students:
- 2 “Magic Rub” or “White Pearl” type erasers
- 8 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
- 2 Red pencils, sharpened
- 1 *Zipper pencil pouch with 3 holes to be kept in a binder, no zip-lock style
- 1 24 pack crayons (no Twistables) – please keep colors green-yellow, scarlet, and violet-red at home
- 1 PLAIN folder (no designs or pictures) with pockets and clasps – Girls: one plain purple / Boys: one plain green
- 12 Glue sticks
- 1 Small bottle of white school glue (ex. Elmer’s)
- 1 Blue 3-ring binder, 1 inch
- 1 *Backpack with a change of underwear and socks in a Ziploc bag. For girls, include a pair of shorts.
- 1 Black and white composition book
- 1 *Art smock, no buttons or ties (See letter coming from kindergarten teachers this summer with suggestions on repurposing an adult-size t-shirt.)
- 3 Boxes of tissues
- 1 container of Wet Ones, Lysol, Clorox, or baby wipes
Additional Supplies for Full-Day Students:
- 1 *Lunch box and leak-proof water bottle (no glass)
- 1 *Small child-sized blanket (approx. 42″x36″), small pillow (approx. 15″x10″), and small stuffed animal for rest time
- 1 White sheet of poster board, 22″ x 28″ (art class)
*Please make sure these supplies are labeled with child’s name.
**School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, backpacks, blankets, and pillows, should not be decorated with stickers, cartoon, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
Please, no rolling backpacks.
1st Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Miss Martin & Mrs. Erickson
1st Grade
- 1 Box of regular #2 pencils
- 2 “Magic Rub” or “White Pearl” type erasers
- 4 Glue sticks
- 1 Set of twistable crayons or colored pencils
- 4 Red pencils with erasers
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 2 Solid colored single-subject spiral notebooks
- 1 White colored (no pictures or designs) 3 ring binder (1 inch) with a sleeve on the front
- 3 Boxes of tissues
- 1 Individual hand sanitizer which can be attached or stored inside lunchbox
- 1 White poster board, 22” x 28” (for art portfolio) – Please note: Returning full day Kindergarten students may reuse their portfolio from last year.
- 1 Addition, subtraction, and multiplication set of flashcards (to be kept at home for homework practice)
- 1 Pack of 100 blank white index cards
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
2nd Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
2nd Grade: Mrs. Logan & Mrs. Stalker
- 2 White (only white—colors and pink don’t erase well) erasers
- 3 Glue sticks
- 3 Regular #2 pencils, no mechanical pencils (Students should keep a box of extra pencils in their backpacks to use throughout the school year.)
- 3 Red pencils
- 1 Pack of 12-18 twistable Crayola thin, colored pencils that are 6 1/2 inches long no crayons please
- 3 Boxes of tissues
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 1 Wide Ruled, single subject plain notebook (teacher will provide a name label.)
- 1 Art portfolio, 22” x 28” white piece of poster board, returning students may reuse their portfolios from last year.
- 1 24 pack colored pencils, Prismacolor (Art Class)
- 1 set of Veritas Old Testament and Ancient Egypt History Cards, hole-punched on a ring. (teacher will provide a name label for the cards) Click here to order the cards through Veritas.
- 2 Yellow, thick highlighters (chisel tip)
- Mrs. Stalker’s Class – 1 Container of wet wipes
- Mrs. Logan’s Class – 1 Tub Clorox Wipes (last names ending in A-M) and 1 roll paper towels (last names ending N-Z)
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
*Please, no hand held pencil sharpeners. There are two sharpeners in the room available for students to use.
3rd Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Mrs. Swartz & Mrs. Gibble
3rd Grade
- 1 White Magic Rub Eraser
- 1 Glue sticks
- 1 4 ounce bottle of Original Aleene’s Tacky Glue (Please only send a 4 ounce bottle; larger bottles will not fit into the pencil box. Please do not purchase the gel tacky glue.)
- 1 Yellow highlighter
- 1 Package lined, 3-hole punched, Wide Ruled paper
- 2 Red pens
- 1 Pack of Twistable Colored Pencils (12 or 18 count, 6-7 inch size, not Twistable colored crayons)
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 8 Regular #2 pencils sharpened and ready to use
- 1 Small sturdy handheld pencil sharpener (Staedler or Prismacolor brands are best)
- 1 package of plain white 3×5 cards (100 count)
- 1 Set of Veritas Greek/Roman History Cards (available from Veritas Press, New Testament Greece and Rome – Item #000200) (see note below)
- 1 Zipper pouch to protect history cards (Pouch must be big enough to comfortably fit cards with the ring on them. Pouch should be plain without pictures or designs.)
- 1 Plain colored (no pictures or designs) Wide Ruled spiral bound notebook
- 1 Package Clorox wipes (Last names ending in A-I)
- 1 Package of Wet Ones – Hand Wipes (Last names ending in K-M)
- 1 Roll of paper towels (Last names ending in N-Z)
- 3 Boxes of tissues
- 1 Plain colored (no pictures or designs), 3 ring binder (1 inch)
- 1 Art portfolio, 22” x 28” white piece of poster board, returning students may bring their portfolios from last year
- 1 Set of 24 colored pencils, Prismacolor (Art Class), returning students may bring their pencils from last year
Additional Notes from Mrs. Swartz:
- Please hole-punch a hole in the corner of the history cards and secure them together with a ring. This will help your child to keep them all together and in order. Preparing cards in this way greatly helps our classroom management during history lessons. Thank you!
- Because storage in the classroom is limited, please send only the specified number of items to school on the first day. Extra items should be stored at home and brought as needed throughout the year.
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
4th Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Mr. Grim
4th Grade
- 2 Erasers (“magic rub”)
- 2 Glue stick
- 1 Green highlighter
- 1 Yellow highlighter
- 1 Pack, 3 hole punched, wide ruled paper
- 2 Blue or black ball point pens
- 8 Mechanical pencils with extra lead
- 2 Red pens
- 1 Ultra Thin black Sharpie for art
- 1 Art portfolio, 22” x 28” white piece of poster board, returning students may bring their portfolios from last year
- 1 Set of 12 colored pencils for classroom use (twistable only)
- 1 Set of 24 colored pencils, Prismacolor (Art Class), only needed by new students and those who need to replace theirs
- 1 Ruler and protractor to be kept at home for Math homework
- 1 Pair of child-sized scissors
- 1 Whiteout (one tape-type dispenser)
- 2 70 sheet, plain cover, spiral notebooks, wide ruled for math, Latin, and science
- 1 Plain folder with pockets for book reports
- 3 Boxes of Tissues
- 1 Set of Veritas History cards on a ring and in a zippered pouch. Please have these for the first day of school (available from Veritas Press, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation – Item #000300)
- 1 container of Clorox Wipes (Last names A-L)
- 1 container of Wet Ones (Last names M-Z)
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
5th Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Mrs. Finch
5th Grade
- 2 Erasers (“magic rub”)
- 8 Mechanical pencils with extra lead
- 4 Black Expo fine-point dry erase markers
- 2 Large glue sticks (0.77 oz.)
- 2 Yellow highlighters
- 1 Green highlighters
- 2 Packs of 3-hole punched, Wide Ruled paper
- 2 Red pens
- 2 Black or blue ball point pens (please no gel pens)
- 1 Whiteout (tape-type dispenser)
- 1 Pair of child-sized scissors
- 1 Set of 12-18 colored pencils (twistable only)
- 4 100-120 sheet one subject, plain cover, spiral notebooks, Wide Ruled
- 2 New plain plastic folders with pockets for reports and summaries
- 1 Package of 3×5 lined index cards
- 1 Package of 4×6 lined index cards
- 1 Large index card holder or box (Must be able to hold 4×6 size index cards)
- 1 Ruler to be kept at home for math homework
- 1 Protractor to be kept at home for math homework
- 3 Boxes of Tissues
- 1 Washable watercolor 8-color set
- 1 Set of Veritas History cards on a ring and in a zippered pouch. Please have these for the first day of school (available from Veritas Press, Explorers – Item #000400)
- 1 Art portfolio, 22” x 28” piece of white poster board, returning students may bring their portfolio from last year
- 1 Set of 24 colored pencils, Prismacolor (Art Class), only needed by first year students and students who need to replace theirs.
- 1 Tub of Clorox wipes (last names ending in A-G)
- 1 Packet of Wet Ones (last names ending in H-M)
- 1 Roll of paper towels (last names ending in N-Z)
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
6th Grade
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Mrs. Allen
6th Grade
- 2 Erasers
- 2 Yellow Highlighters
- 2 Reams, 3 hole punched, wide margin paper
- 2 Blue or black ball point pens
- 3 Packs No.2 pencils (mechanical pencils are permitted)
- 1 Pencil sharpener: small handheld with shaving catcher attached
- 1 Pack Red pens or pencils
- 1 Set of 12 colored pencils
- 1 Ruler for class use
- 1 Ruler, compass, and protractor to be kept at home for Math homework
- 1 Whiteout
- 2 Glue sticks
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 3 One subject notebooks
- 2 Grammar Book covers (medium sized, not jumbo)
- 1 Science Book cover (jumbo size)
- 2 Folders with pockets for reports and summaries
- 1 Set of 4×6 and 3×5 index cards, both sets lined
- 1 Set of Veritas History cards on a ring or in a zippered pouch. Please have these for the first day of school (available from Veritas Press, 1815-Present- Item #000500)
- 1 Art portfolio, 22” x 28” white piece of poster board, returning students may bring their portfolio from last year
- 1 Set of 24 colored pencil, Prismacolor (Art Class), only needed by fist year students and students who need to replace theirs.
- 1 Binder & accordion file, to be purchased after Christmas for transition into Upper School
- 3 Boxes of Tissues
- 1 Box of disinfecting wipes
- 1 Stick of deodorant to be kept at school
*School supplies, including lunch boxes, water bottles, and backpacks should not be decorated with stickers, cartoons, or “pop culture” images. Please choose plain colors or simple patterns.
*If your student is not proficient at typing, please purchase a typing program. We recommend Typing Instructor Deluxe.
*Please, no rolling backpacks.
7th - 12th Grades
2024-2025 Student Supply List
Upper School
- Notebooks: For the sake of neat homework and the cleanliness of classrooms, upper school students are no longer using spiral notebooks for note-taking and homework. Please purchase bound composition notebooks, such as Oxford or Mead brand, or college-ruled filler paper for note-taking. College-ruled filler paper only is to be used for homework.
- Printing Capabilities: Students in the upper school submit written papers on a regular basis. Please be sure your student has access to a working printer and ample ink supply before the school year begins. Students are required to print their own papers and submit them to teachers on the due date at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
7th & 8th Grade School Supplies
- 5 – Book Covers (large, stretch style)
- 1 – 3” 3-ring Binder with six (6) pocket dividers (Math, Logic/Rhetoric, Music/Art, History, Literature, Latin)
- 1 – 2″ binder for Life Science-7th/Physical Science-8th
- 1 – 2″ binder for Old Testament/New Testament
- 3 – College-ruled Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) (Place half a pack in your binder and keep the rest in your locker or at home to complete homework; resupply as needed.)
- 1 – Quad Rule/Graph Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) (Place a third of a pack in your binder and keep the rest in your locker or at home to complete homework; resupply as needed.)
- 1 – 3×5 Index Cards (100 cards)
- 1 – Scientific Calculator
- 1 – ESV Study Bible ( ISBN:978-1433502415 or ISBN: 978-1433544071 (preferred)
- 1 – 8.5 x 11 Spiral-bound Sketch Book (Art)
- 1 – Music Paper Pack (50 sheets) (optional for Music I)
- Pens (black or blue and red), pencils, highlighters
- Pen/Pencil Pouch
9th– 12th Grade School Supplies
Students in 9th-12th grade are expected to be prepared for classes using whatever organizational system works best for them. Covenant teachers suggest the following:
All Classes
- 5 – Book Covers (large, stretch style)
- Pens (black or blue and red), pencils, highlighters
- Pen/Pencil Pouch
- 1 – 1.5”- 2” 3-Ring Binder
- 1 – College-ruled Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) or bound composition notebook
- 1 – Quad Ruled Graph Filler Paper (150-200 sheets)
- 1 – Scientific Calculator (required)
- 1 – TI 84 CE Graphing Calculator (required in Algebra II; optional in precalculus and calculus)
- Notebook Dividers with Pockets
- 1 – 2” 3-Ring Binder
- 1 – College-ruled Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) or bound composition notebook
- 8 – Notebook Dividers (physics)
- 1 – Scientific Calculator
- 1 – TI 84 CE Graphing Calculator (optional)
History & Literature
- 1 – 1.5” 3-Ring Binder
- 1 – College-ruled Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) and/or bound composition notebook
- 1 – 1.5” 3-Ring Binder
- 1 – College-ruled Filler Paper (150-200 sheets) and/or bound composition notebook
- 1 – 1.5” 3-Ring Binder
- 1 – ESV Study Bible ( ISBN:978-1433502415 or ISBN: 978-1433544071 (preferred)