Discover Wonder
Like the rest of the faculty at Covenant, our Kindergarten teachers are working to instill a sense of wonder and love for learning in their students. They seek to teach to children to recognize the problem of sin in themselves and in the world around them and the beauty of God’s plan for redemption because of His love for His people. In doing so, our Kindergarten students learn to be kind and respectful of one another and of authority. They learn to work and play well together while demonstrating self-control.
7:55AM – 12:00PM
7:55AM – 3:00PM
Busing Available*
*Check to see if your district transports for 12:00PM dismissal.
East Shore
Central Dauphin, Derry Township, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Lower Dauphin, Middletown, Steelton-Highspire, and Susquehanna Township
West Shore*
Cumberland Valley, East Pennsboro, Mechanicsburg, Susquenita, and West Shore
*Over one third of our families reside on the West Shore.
2023-2024 Tuition Rates
- Half-Day: $5840 per year
12 monthly payments of $487 - Full-Day: $8680 per year
12 monthly payments of $723
Financial Aid Available.
Click here to learn more.
Meet the Teachers!
If you’d like more information, please contact our Admissions Director or fill out the form below:
Katie Broeg
Admissions Director
717.540.9885 ext. 232
Kindergarten Early Commitment
Kindergarten Early Commitment
The Kindergarten Early Commitment application period is from October 16, 2023 – December 18, 2023. By making an early commitment to our 2024-2025 kindergarten class, families will be able to lock in the 2023-2024 tuition rate for their child’s kindergarten year at Covenant Click here to learn more about Kindergarten Early Commitment.
Singapore Math: Students learn numbers 1 through 100, one-to-one correspondence, graphs, measurement, patterning, counting, math facts through 5, calendar skills, place value, and money.
Bible: Students experience a biblical worldview woven into each subject throughout the day. They also have 5 half-hour Bible story periods each week.
Art/Music: Students sing frequently in class and experience many other opportunities for artistic expression.
Reading & Writing: Students learn to read and write in cursive. They also learn how to read and write 3 and 4 letter short vowel words.
Full Day Students: Full Day students participate in history and science activities in the afternoons, 1 hour of art once per week, 45 minutes of music once per week, and 45 minutes of physical education once per week.
- Peter and the Wolf performance
- Pajama Day, Thanksgiving Feast, 100th Day of School
- Field Trips: Zoo America, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Young Person’s Concert
“One day my Kindergartener told me that she didn’t want to come home – school was just so much fun! We love seeing how Covenant teachers foster a sense of wonder and delight in each class.”
~Kindergarten Father

Covenant Christian Academy
1982 Locust Lane
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Office Phone: 717-540-9885
Office Fax: 717-540-7176