We believe that a superb classical curriculum will only bear fruit when planted in the rich soil of a vibrant community of virtuous, loving people. The Apostle Paul warns that even if we can speak with tongues of angels (transcending Latin and Spanish!) and can fathom all mysteries, without love, it will profit us nothing.
This means that the community life at Covenant is just as important as our academic instruction, even more important. If love is the greatest virtue, how can we neglect it in any context? A classical, Christian school is first of all a vibrant community infused with faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.
To this end, it is vitally important that Covenant parents and students contribute to the community life at Covenant. This happens in dozens of ways, from participation in athletics, drama, choir, hiking trips and the like. And it happens when people commit themselves to one another in meaningful, personal ways.