A Timely Discussion

Our Upper School Dean, John Hayward, shares some insight and resources on how to speak with your children about some of the dangers of the internet. This is especially important during this time of isolation and the likelihood of increased screen time.

I imagine many of us are spending more time on screens than we usually do. There are many dangers and opportunities this presents and many people have good thoughts on that including Andy Crouch that Dr. Sonju has referenced. I want to suggest one discussion that could be strategic at this time. Discuss internet pornography with your child. I offer three reasons and even better resources.

  1. The internet is not a safe place. There are predatory people and advertisements, not to mention the devil prowling around seeking to attack God’s people.
  2. Pornography is reaching children at younger and younger years, and it is not just a boy thing. Whether it is in lewd conversations or references that young ladies feel awkward or naive about, or if it is their own personal struggle, it is something to discuss with both young men and women even if it looks different.
  3. Wouldn’t it be great if a loving, godly voice was the first voice from whom they heard about the topic? You are better than a friend or the internet to answer such questions (even if you feel awkward about it).

I have included links to excellent resources on this topic that are better than I can come up with. One final note: these discussions can be great for the car because you are trapped talking to each other but it’s natural to not look at each other. If you try this though… drive safe.

Check out this book for a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids this ever-increasing issue.

HarvestUSA.org is also an excellent resource for biblical guidance on issues surrounding sex. Here are some of the best and most relevant:

An Evening of Gratitude

Mr. Grim – 4th Grade Teacher

Learning to Thrive

History Coming to Life

What’s it like to be a new student at Covenant?

Learning to Speak the Truth in Love

At Covenant, we seek to cultivate the minds, vocabularies and rhetorical skills of our students, so that as they approach the culmination of their education with us, they are able to speak truthfully persuasively, and eloquently. One of the ways that students practice speaking well, along with engaging well with the texts they are reading, is to participate in literature discussions. Unlike some discussion groups, where opinions are thrown around and every conflicting thought is equally accepted as true, the goal at Covenant is to get down to the truth together. The teacher leads the discussion and is not a mere bystander, observing and writing down points, but rather is a guide, correcting error, asking intentional questions, and leading students closer and closer to what is true. This also means that students are encouraged to disagree with one another in a productive way, point each other back to the text in question and, most importantly, remain grounded in God’s word as the Source of truth.

Recently, we got a window into such a discussion, in which the senior class discussed the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Their teacher, Miss Munson, had them explore the theme of duality within the classic work. The discussion began by discussing duality within ourselves as people and what the benefits and disadvantages would be of splitting oneself into two. The discussion quickly dived, however, into the question of good and evil within us, the old and new man in Christ, and what the Bible tells us about sin and sanctification. Throughout the discussion, without any prompting from their teacher, the seniors backed up their statements with verses from the Bible, passages and page numbers from the text, and occasionally a reference to Augustine’s Confessions, which they read together in ninth grade.

As wonderful as the content of the dialogue was, the way the students went about discussing was equally impressive. We heard phrases like “I would argue…”, rather than vague expressions of opinion. Students interrupted each other in ways that furthered the discussion rather than taking it on tangents. They listened to one another and took the points made by their peers seriously. As questions arose, students pointed each other back to specific passages in the text to come to the answer. Each comment was cordial. Rather than disagreements being taken personally, each new statement built up the conversation in a common pursuit of truth. Throughout, the students were noticeably enjoying themselves. A common understanding of and appreciation for the literature was apparent in each member of the group. Truth was the goal – eloquently expressed and cooperatively found.

Praise God for each step of our students’ education that trains them to be both wise and eloquent, both in and outside the classroom!

If you’d like more information about Covenant, please contact our Admissions Director, Katie Broeg, at 717.540.9885 ext. 555 or Katie.Broeg@DiscoverCovenant.com.

The 5th Annual Evening of Gratitude

This past Saturday, our community celebrated and thanked God together at the fifth annual Evening of Gratitude. Almost 200 parents, students, teachers, staff, board members, and friends were in attendance. The evening was held at the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA. Upon entering, guests were welcomed by a grand staircase in the rotunda. Silent Auction items lined the upper level leading to the banquet hall. Guests enjoyed a tasty meal and a variety of desserts as a harpist strummed melodies in the background. The Chamber Choir, led by Mr. Jesse Maurer, also serenaded guests at various times throughout the evening. One of the songs they sang, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” seemed particularly fitting for this event. Guests heard stories of gratitude from Elizabeth Stoner, Class of 2019, and Jay McClymont, a long-time Covenant parent. Both speakers touched on the special culture that Covenant enjoys and the close relationships that often develop between students and teachers through the years.

The keynote address was given by Jeffrey S. Trimbath, Executive Director of the Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College, who reminded us that the purpose of education is to lead students to wisdom. The speaking program concluded with an invitation from Mr. Michael Geer, Board President and father of Covenant alumni, to partner with the school so more families can continue to receive the blessing of a classical, Christian education. Covenant’s Chamber Choir closed out the night with another beautiful song and even serenaded guests as they departed through the rotunda.

Through the generous sponsorships and donations of our guests and friends – including all of those who participated in a fun silent auction – the school was able to raise the entire amount of a $65,000 matching donation! Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event a wonderful success!



Kindergarten and Community

Brenda Hoover, the new Head of our Parent Teacher Fellowship, spent some time answering a few questions for us. She shares her experience with having a daughter in kindergarten last year and what it was like finding community as a new family at the school. We hope you are encouraged as you catch a glimpse of Brenda’s generous heart!

What are some aspects of our Kindergarten program that you find unique?

Classical education is unique in our society, in and of itself. One of my favorite things to share with those not familiar with the school is that our daughter learned to write cursive in Kindergarten. People are shocked when they hear this, realizing so few kids learn this at all in other schools. I also love that the Word is embedded in all of their learning. I have so many fond memories of stories she would share with me and curious questions that enabled an ongoing conversation.

How have you seen your child grow as a result of being in Kindergarten at Covenant?

I am not sure I have the words to describe the growth we have witnessed in our daughter. I think what stands out to me most is that she was challenged (academics, confidence, relationships) with an equal amount of love and guidance from her teacher.

What was your experience as a new family last year?

We are so blessed to have discovered Covenant Christian Academy. We were originally heading down a home-school path when we were introduced to the school. I cannot express the love and nurturing we received for our daughter as well as our family. When you walk into the school you feel an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a beautiful thing! Knowing our children will be able to experience this through graduation is such a relief as parents. It takes a village, and we are so excited this is part of our village!

Tell us how the community at Covenant has impacted you.

We began our journey in Pre-K. I will never forget meeting one of my new best friends that has become more of a sister to me. We both began to tear up while listening to the reading of The Kissing Hand. She handed me a tissue, and our families have grown so close! There are so many other parents that we have become dear friends with as well. It is beyond a community, it is a family of families. We are supported by staff, faculty, and all who attend.

What inspired you to take on this new role?

As Kindergarten Class Liaison last year I attended a PTF meeting to discuss Christmas gifts for staff/faculty. I realized parents of Upper School students were leading this effort. It stayed on my heart throughout the year. While it is tough to imagine taking on much more with our 3 young children and busy schedule, I felt nudged to explore opportunities. I feel it’s important for parents of younger students to begin to take the lead. I am not sure I realized I was being nudged for this particular role, but I am more than happy to do so and am excited for what lies ahead.

What are you most excited about for this school year?

Continuing to see our daughter grow and be challenged, not only academically but spiritually. I am also very excited to be more involved with the school and pray I can be a blessing to all the wonderful people that create this incredible environment.

If you’re interested in learning more about Kindergarten at Covenant, visit our Kindergarten Page. We’d also love to tell you about Kindergarten Early Commitment – an exciting, new opportunity to reserve your spot early. Contact our Admissions Director if you’d like to learn more or schedule a visit:

Katie Broeg | Admissions Director
717.540.9885 ext. 232 | Katie.Broeg@DiscoverCovenant.com

It Makes a Difference

Michelle Gaydos, mother of 2018 graduate, Hannah Gaydos, took some time to answer a few questions about their time at Covenant. We love hearing stories from our families about how a classical, Christian education at Covenant made a difference in a student’s life!

Your daughter, Hannah, graduated this year. What are one or two of your favorite memories from her time here?
Watching Hannah’s mind blossom into such an intelligent young lady! She was always so excited to share with us what she was learning and doing in school. I would have to say my second would be watching her build relationships, which she had trouble with in the past. The kids at Covenant were so accepting that they are somewhat like family now.

Your family came to Covenant in 9th grade. What were some of the reasons that you decided to switch to Covenant for her high school years?
Hannah was having problems fitting in, she would come home frustrated at what she was seeing and experiencing. We tried to do cyber school a year, but she came to us and said, she wasn’t learning enough.

Tell us about your experience as a new family to Covenant. What were some of the things that helped you to make the transition?
The transition was easy. Everyone was very welcoming, both parents and faculty.

What were some of the harder things about your family’s journey through high school? What helped your family to persevere?
We knew it was going to be very challenging for Hannah, since she had no classical learning. With that being said, I would have to give the Lord the credit. He put it on my heart to send her there, therefore He would give her what she needed. The kids were always encouraging each other and once she grasped the learning style, she seemed to be excited about learning new things. It was like a window was opened and she became a sponge.

What are some of the extra-curricular activities and specials that Hannah participated in while at Covenant? How did these enrich her experience?
Well that was another blooming moment! She started in the dramas doing small roles. She loved it and once she was bitten by the acting bug, she went on to have major roles at our church and at Covenant. Church members would comment on how she has really become so confident. They would ask me, “What happened?” I would reply: “The new school she’s going to, Covenant!”

As you consider the last four years, what are some examples of change or growth that you are thankful for in your daughter’s life
I would have to say the knowledge she has gained that she would not have received at a public school would be the most valuable blessing. The confidence she gained is also priceless. I would also say that the artist Mrs. McClymont unleashed has been enjoyed by many! I also need to say the wisdom of the Bible. She is very confident on her beliefs and values and is willingly and boldly fully handling challenging discussions with others.

What advice would you give to a family considering coming to Covenant for high school?
I would tell them that it was the best choice we have ever made as a parent.

Hear more of Hannah’s thoughts on her experiences at Covenant in the video below!


For any family interested in joining us on the journey of classically educating students, preparing them for the future, and teaching them to walk with the Lord, we invite you to become a part of the Covenant community.  To learn more,  please contact our Director of Admissions, Katie Broeg, at Katie.Broeg@DiscoverCovenant.com.