Award winning author and illustrator, Jonathan Bean, visits Covenant

Covenant is excited to welcome award winning author and illustrator, Jonathan Bean, on March 10th.  Jonathan will be taking part in the upper school Career Day as a contributor to a panel discussion.  Then he will provide two grammar school workshops on bookmaking (9:45am for K-3rd grade and 10:45am for 4th-6th grades).

Jonathan Bean is currently an artist-in-residence in Harrisburg. He will visit with the grammar school and teach our children about the art of story telling, illustrating and book making using hands-on demonstrations and student involvement. Jonathan is a graduate of Messiah College and attended graduate school at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He got his first job illustrating for children when hired by Cricket in 2004. His first two authored books won the prestigious Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and his illustrations for Lauren Thompson’s The Apple Pie that Papa Baked received the Ezra Jack Keats Award. Real Cowboys, written by Kate Hoelfer, is his next book and appears in Fall 2016.

Kindly RSVP to Ann Rasmus at for this free event.